This website is the work of an amateur photographer with a great passion for historic structures. My name is Phil, I have had an interest in history and architecture since I was very little. This website is my attempt at documenting one of the oldest sanatorium hospitals in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. All contemporary photographs are my original work and can not be reproduced elsewhere without permission. Most of the historical photos are also my work, produced from the original photos at the PA State Archives and other locations. This website is not in any way affiliated with the South Mountain Restoration Center. The accuracy of the information displayed on the site is not guaranteed, the website is constantly updated to reflect the most accurate information possible. Do not contact us about directions to the hospital or the names of those to contact to gain permission to visit the hospital. Thanks, and enjoy the site. For any further information please Email Me.


A Special thanks to the following people for helping to make this website possible...

Constance S.

Dennis F.

Randy R.

Sandra H. 
Phil M.  
SELF PORTRAIT. Isolation Ward, HSH. 2007
Additional Info

Prints & Originals: If you are interested in purchasing prints or full size originals of my photos you may contact me here.

Equipment: I currently use a Canon EOS Rebel T7 EF-S digital SLR camera with various lenses as well as a Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra for video. All photo editing is done in Adobe Photoshop CS4.


DISCLAIMER: This website is dedicated to the South Mountain Restoration Center in Pennsylvania. Inside you will find historical and present day information as well as photographs of the hospital. Please be aware that this is not the official website for the South Mountain Restoration Center. This website is intended for historical research and entertainment purposes only. This website and it's creator are not affiliated with the South Mountain Restoration Center, OMHSAS, or the Pennsylvania Department of Human Services in any way. The webmaster does not have a clinical background and has never worked at the SMRC. Opinions and information expressed within are solely the views of the webmaster and do not represent the views of current hospital management. To visit the official PA Department of Human Services South Mountain Restoration Center website please CLICK HERE.



Copyright 2007-2024 - Thomas Industries - All rights reserved